Target Repair Guide
Required Items: Plastic Sheeting, Marker, Reciprocating Saw or serrated knife
Make a scoring ring template using the clear plastic sheeting for scoring rings. Start by tracing the center point (11 ring). This will help when replacing scoring rings with rotary tool later.
Using reciprocating saw (or preferred method) cut out and remove all shot up / loose material.
Note: Use pry bar to remove loose or semi loose foam to avoid possible cuts from lost broadheads.

Required Items: Plastic Sheeting, Staple Gun
Staple on clear plastic sheeting to form around target (pictured). Cut an opening in the center to pour in combined A+B mixture later. This also acts as a vent or escape port for expanding foam.
Note: keep staples no more than ¼” off opening and no more than 1/8” apart.

Both Sides: If your target is shot out on both sides, you will most likely have to cut through the center. In this instance, form with plastic sheet and staple completely around the cut out area.
Make sure target is completely dry and at room temp before proceeding.
Required Items: 3DTRF, Container, Scale, Drill w/ Mixer Attached
Mixing Containers
Milk Jug that is clean and dry (cut off spout)
Popcorn Container, QT or Gallon (1500 grams max resin)
For small pours plastic Solo Cup (300 grams max resin)
Make sure that your mixing container is DRY and at ROOM TEMP. Have mixing container on digital scale calibrated to 0 grams. Have drill with mixer ready.

- Shake Part B thoroughly to re-suspend pigments that have settled.
- Pour desired amount of Part B into mix container placed on digital scale. (Do not let scale re-zero after adding B)
- Calculate total weight by multiplying Part B weight in grams x 1.45. This number will be your total. Example 100 grams of (B) x 1.45 = 145 total. (Individual Kits can ignore this step)
- Pour Part A into container until the scale reaches your total from above.
- Immediately mix for approximately 30 seconds (if temperatures are above 85°F (29°C) mix for 20 seconds).
- Place mixer in acetone and pour mixture through the hole in the form we created in step 2.

Once the foam mixture starts to become warm/hot it will expand rapidly. You should have the mixture in place before this reaction starts to take place.
If you over estimate amount needed and have to trim off excessive amounts of cured material, save pieces in box or bucket. This material can be placed in cavities of a future pours.
If you under estimate and have a short pour, wait 30 minutes and make a second pour to finish.
Let target set undisturbed for 6+ hours before continuing to next step.
Required Items: Pliers, Serrated Knife, Sanding Block
Suggested Tools: Reciprocating Saw, Scotch-Brite Abrasive Pad (or Orbital Sander w/ low grit paper)
Remove plastic form and all staples. Trim excess foam (use serrated bread knife, saws all blade or your preferred method. Then proceed to shape using 3M Scotch-Brite disk or similar.

Required Items: Rotary Tool, Outdoor Paint
Apply ring template from Step 1, mark center of 11 ring. Trace required rings if needed. Use rotary tool to carve in scoring rings. Paint with a quality outdoor flat latex acrylic paint. Let dry and start shooting!